
Reformed on the Web

Welcome to Reformed on the Web!

1689 Federalism

A Reformed Baptist's Disc

Historical Baptist Documents

Geneva Bible

Spurgeon Archive

NTS Library

Welcome to Reformed on the Web's new website! This is my brand new home page. Here you will find a lot of things Baptist, however, before my Reformed Paedobaptists brothers run off, this site does not contain all things Baptist. So before you run off, take time to browse my pages, which are built upon Reformed Theology. Pages that deal with different sub-headings under theology, begin with a definition, which defines that particular sub-heading. Here you will find links from Baptist and Paedobaptist alike. Links that define the gospel and defends Protestantism. This site's sole purpose is to aide students of theology in studying the Bible and the doctrines contained therein.

The owner of this site is a Reformed Baptist, who holds to: 1689 Federalism (Covenant Theology), the Baptism of Disciples Alone, Amillennialism, and the Regulative Principle of Worship. (Once a month the home page will be updated, featuring Particular Baptist and Reformed Paedo-baptist books and Mp3's. For the introduction to my new site, I went all Baptist this month. On the Footer you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter. You can also send me an email.)

Disclaimer: The owner of this site does not agree with every theological conviction of every author linked to this site. Just because a link is found on this site, does not mean that I endorse everything the author of the link believes.

While you are here, visit my new library: 'Sola Gratia Library'  A Library of great men of faith, with Pdf downloads.


The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith,also called the Second London Baptist Confession, was written by Particular Baptists, who held to a Calvinistic soteriology in England to give a formal expression of their Christian faith from a Baptist perspective. This confession, like the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and the Savoy Declaration (1658), was written by Puritans who were concerned that their particular church organisation reflect what they perceived to be Biblical teaching. Because it was adopted by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches in the 18th century, it is also known as the Philadelphia Confession of Faith. The Philadelphia Confession was a modification of the Second London Confession that added an allowance for singing of hymns, psalms and spiritual songs in the Lord's Supper and made optional the laying on of hands in baptism. Wikipedia


The Geneva Bible is one of the most historically significant translations of the Bible into English, preceding the King James Version by 51 years. It was the primary Bible of 16th-century English Protestantism and was used by William Shakespeare, Oliver Cromwell, John Knox, John Donne, and John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress (1678). It was one of the Bibles taken to America on the Mayflower (Pilgrim Hall Museum has collected several Bibles of Mayflower passengers). The Geneva Bible was used by many English Dissenters, and it was still respected by Oliver Cromwell's soldiers at the time of the English Civil War, in the booklet "Cromwell's Soldiers' Pocket Bible" Wikipedia Purchase from Tollege Press


A Bible Study Reformation- Ligonier
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Familiarize yourself with the author, historical context, literary style, theology, themes, and more of each book of the Bible
Insightful Study Notes
Accessible for every stage of the Christian life
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Maps that bring the geography of Scripture to life with access to the latest archaeological discoveries


John Spilsbury (1593 – c. 1668) was an English cobbler and Particular Baptist minister who set up a Calvinist Baptist church in London in 1638......Spilsbury's presentation of believer's baptism by immersion of necessity engaged covenantal theology. He approved covenant theology and built his doctrine of the church on the "infallible certainty" of the eternal covenant of grace; he argued, however, that the spirituality of the New Covenant in Christ eliminated the possibility of an infant's participation in it. Wikipedia

John Spilsbury- A Treatise Concerning the Lawful Subjects of Baptism (Pdf)


Andrew Fuller was born on February 5, 1754 in Wicken, Cambridgeshire, England. He was the son of poor Baptist farmers. Because Fuller ministered during the same era as George Whitefield and the Wesley brothers it would be easy for his name to get lost in their giant shadows. He pastored two congregations during his life at Soham (1775-1782) and at Kettering (1782-1806). Christianity in England was in a generally depressed condition at the time to which Fuller was born. Particular Baptists had fallen into a hyper-Calvinism that denied the need to evangelize the lost or even to offer salvation to anyone Reformed Reader

Andrew Gunton Fuller- The Complete Works of Rev. Andrew Fuller Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3 (Pdf)


(Adapted from Tom Nettles' preface to the Sprinkle Publications print edition)

In 1824, J. B. Jeter heard John L. Dagg preach from Romans 1:14. The occasion was a Missionary Society meeting; the place was Richmond. Jeter described Dagg's preaching style.

His manner was calm and slow; his voice was distinct and solemn; his style was pure, condensed, and vigorous; his gestures were sparing but appropriate, and his thoughts were pertinent, weighty, and impressive,

Shift that description to characterize a written medium rather than an oral medium and, again, the words aptly describe John Dagg.

For clarity, cogency, and sincerity of expression, no theological writer of the 19th century surpasses John L. Dagg. Therefore, I celebrate the appearance of these volumes as a blessing of God to the church. Reformed Reader

John L. Dagg- Manual of Theology Vol 1, Vol 2  (Pdf)


Arthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22. He studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, USA, for only six weeks before beginning his pastoral work in Colorado. From there he pastored churches in California, Kentucky, and South Carolina before moving to Sydney Australia for a brief period, preaching and teaching. In 1934, at 48 years old, he returned to his native England. He took permanent residence in Lewis, Scotland, in 1940, remaining there 12 years until his death at age 66 in 1952.

Most of his works first appeared as articles in the monthly Studies in the Scriptures published from 1922 to 1953 (and currently republished serially by Mt. Zion Publications). Pink was virtually unknown and certainly unappreciated in his day. Independent Bible study convinced him that much of modern evangelism was defective. When Puritan and reformed books were generally disregarded by the Church as a whole, he advanced the majority of their principles with untiring zeal. The progressive spiritual decline of his own nation (Britain) was to him the inevitable consequence of the prevalence of a 'gospel' that could neither wound (with conviction of sin) nor heal (via regeneration). Eternal Life Ministries

Arthur W. Pink- Divine Covenants (Pdf)

Recommended read of the month:

Arthur W. Pink- The Sovereignty of God (Pdf)

Edward Barber- A Small Treatise of Baptism or dipping (Pdf)

Recommended Mp3 or Youtube Video of the month:

Is There a Regulative Principle of Worship by Sam Waldron

Why I Am A Calvinist---Brief Response to Michael Brown by James White

Must hear Mp3's:

James Renihan – Particular Baptist History

Paul Brewster – SBC History: GA Baptist Assocation & Sandy Creek

Puritan Hard Drive Critique Pt 1

by Hershel Lee Harvell Jr Here I critique the Puritan Hard Drive by SWRB.

Puritan Hard Drive Critique Pt 2

by Hershel Lee Harvell Jr. In this critique I examine the false claims of Reg Barrow of SWRB

Sample Page

Click here to see a page from one of SWRB's books. They are scanned copies of old books

Puritan Hard Drive Critique

a page built listing the names of all the Pdf's on this drive and proving that there are not 2208 Reformed Baptist books, mp3's, and videos on this drive

Puritan Library

All of these SWRB or Puritan Hard Drive books can be downloaded for free in Kindle, Epub, or Pdf right here

Now for sale on Cd !

Buy: The John Bunyan Collection

Buy: The Arthur W. Pink Collection

Or Buy all the above collections plus more, in:


Go to my Reformation History Library Page to download the library

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