Apologetics: Defending Christianity
Classical Apologetics has been one of the main views, through the history of the Church, on how to do apologetics. Classical Apologists believe that one can use rational arguments and evidence to prove God’s existence. Here are some links for Classical Apologetics websites. I endorse and hold to Classical Apologetics as a true method for defending the faith. Gary Habermas is not a Classical Apologist but, uses the one step method of apologetics or what is known as Evidential Apologetics. Walter Martin probably one of the greatest apologists of the twentieth century is back on the air. Listen to debates by him here. Apologetics Index offers over 47,830 pages on religious cults, sects, movements, apologetics, etc… Classic Apologetical books online to read. These books give answers against the skeptics of the past and present. Josh McDowell books. These books will aide one in the study of evidences for the Christian Faith. Lee Strobel books. These books will aide one in the study of evidences for the Christian Faith. |
Here are some recommended books to read on Apologetics. They can be found at ChristianBook.com by clicking the link below the picture.
![]() I realize that Avery Dulles is a Catholic, nevertheless this is a great book on the History of Apologetics. |
![]() There are Five Views of Apologetics or five main methods used to defend the Christian Faith. In this book Steven Cowan allowed five apologist to present their views and then critique the other four. William Lane Craig defends Classical Apologetics, Gary Habermas defends Evidential Apologetics, Paul D. Feinberg defends Cumulative Case Apologetics, John M. Frame defends Presuppositional Apologetics, and finally Kelly James Clark defends Reformed Epistemology Apologetics. |
![]() Ronald H. Nash in this book shows how true faith is not against reason, but Christianity is a rational faith. |
![]() Finally I recommend to you a book by R. C. Sproul, John H. Gerstner, and Arthur Lindsley. This book is a critique of the presuppositional methods of Cornelius Van Till and his student John M. Frame. This book focuses on showing how reason can be used to prove the existence of God. |
Miscellaneous links to aide one in the use of apologetics on various subjects: Master list of logical fallacies Apologetic links to some of Paul E. Little and William Lane Craig materials. Read about the Pelagian views of Charles Finney and the degradation of modern American Evangelicalism that is held captive by his views. Does
John MacArthur Ride the Reformed
Fence? written by Hershel Lee Harvell Jr. Harold Camping Refuted: The Neccesity of Membership in the Church by Martyn McGeown Harold Camping Repents . . . Well, Kind of . . . No, Not Really . . . by Kim Riddlebarger A Year After the Non-Apocalypse: Where Are They Now? by Tom Bartlett James White on T. D. Jake's Statement concerning the Trinity Chris Rosebrough was removed from the conference with threat of arrest click here. Are Churches Secularizing America? by Michael S. Horton 65 Apologetics Questions Every Christian Parent Needs to Learn to Answer by Natasha Crain Intro to Apologetics The Many Faces and Causes of Unbelief by Bert Thompson |
Archaeology Archaeologists Uncover Proof of Pre-Jesus Bethlehem by Jeff Schapiro Rare King David-Era Inscription Discovered in Biblical City Biblical king's royal seal unearthed in Jerusalem New Discoveries in Babylonia about Genesis by Air Commodore P. J. Wiseman, C. B. E. |
Bible: Defending Scripture New Age Bible Versions Refuted by James White (KJV Onlyism Refuted) How do we Know the Bible is True? Notecard answers for why I believe the Bible by Erik Raymond Is the Bible Foundational to Christianity? Engaging with Andy Stanley by Michael J. Kruger |
Creationism Evidence for Special Creation From Scientific Evidence by James White What Is R.C. Sproul’s Position on Creation? from Karisa Schlehr Defending Creation Theory -7 short messages defending creation theory Theistic evolution challenged, defended in online exchange by Erin Roach General and Special Revelation — A Reformed Approach to Science and Scripture-Series by R. C. Sproul A Reformed Approach to Science and Scripture, A New Free eBook from Keith Mathison The Historical Reality of Adam by Guy Waters Science of Uncertainty by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Big Bang Cosmology Is Consistent With Scripture? 10 Best evidences from science that confirm a young earth Theses on natural theology Posted by Scott Swain Science Doesn’t Say Anything– Scientists Do by Frank Turek The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Response | Answers in Genesis A Well-Preserved Whale Fossil Has Been Discovered on a California Mountain |
Cults Religions Are Not All Basically the Same by Robert Starke Walter Martin articles on Jehovah's Witnesses The New Apostolic Reformation: Influence and Teachings by Holly Pivec In My Defense Against Today’s Miracles by Hershel Lee Harvell Jr Good material to prove that the gifts of the apostles ceased. Monergism.com For some good info on how to witness to or answer the Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons Mormon Couple Argues w/Christian at the Temple- Apologia Studios Gnosticism by Charmley, Gervase N. Sabellianism by Charmley, Gervase N. Sandemanianism by Michael Haykin |
Culture Wars Are we creating a culture of moral misfits? by Gary DeMar |
Debates Debate As a Christian Duty by Douglas Wilson Debate - William Lane Craig vs Christopher Hitchens - Does God Exist? The God Debate II: Harris vs. Craig Was Jesus Crucified? The (Zaatari – White) 2012 Public Debate Top 10 Christian vs. Atheist Debates EVERYONE Should Watch The Fr Copleston and Bertrand Russel debate of 1948 on the "Existence of God." The Existence and Attributes of God Debate (VIDEO) Jeff Durbin, Sye Ten Bruggencate and Paul Viggiano vs Bruce Gleason, Andrew Breeding and Sean Taylor (Right Click and 'Save link as' to download mp3) |
Teachers The Worst '25 Must Listen to Podcasts'- A collection of podcast links claiming to be the best podcasts links to listen to however, this list would be a list of the worst podcasts to listen too. (As a side note: Some would argue that David Platt and Matt Chandler ought to be on this list. You be the judge. The Blasphemy of Joel Osteen’s “The Power of I AM” by Nollie Tips for being a false teacher by Tim Grant Joel Osteen or Fortune Cookie? Take the quiz and see if you can tell which quotes are from Osteen and which are from a fortune cookie. Joel Osteen is a Demonic False Teacher (Washer, MacArthur, Piper) |
God's Existence Proven Series by Lee Strobel on the Existence of God : ..................................................................................................... Where do objective morals originate in the universe by William Lane Craig Evidence for God: A Fine-Tuned Universe Lee Strobel: Science Points Toward Existence of a Creator by Alex Murashko The Case for the Existence of God by Bert Thompson 5 Proofs for the Existence of God - by Andrew Corbett Twenty Arguments For The Existence Of God by Peter Kreeft |
Hell |
Islam |
Logic and Reason Master List of Logical Fallacies Is the Christian faith really rational? by R C Sproul Logic: A God-Centered Approach -Dr. Vern Poythress speaks about his new book, Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought. Mp3 (57 minutes) Free! Logic: A God-Centered Approach by Vern Sheridan Poythress Faith and Reason by Dick Sztanyo |
Miscellaneous Bart Erhman: A Critique (William Lane Craig) Video Critique of Bart Erhman (James White) Video Book Review of “Federal Vision, heresy at the root” by David J. Engelsma A Defense of the Old Perspective on Paul What Did St. Paul Really Say? by Phil Johnson An Overview and Critique of the New Perspective on Paul's Doctrine of Justification by Jeffrey Smith Has God Ever Ordained Evil to Take Place? by John Hendryx You Reason That God Killed Canaanites for Thought crime, Therefore, So Can We Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? by Albert Mohler, Jr. A Serious Challenge to the New Perspective on Paul by Michael Kruger What Happens to Those Who Never Hear the Gospel? by Matt Smethurst The New Perspective on Paul: Its Basic Tenets, History and Presuppostions by F David Farnell What are the Attractions of the New Perspective on Paul? by Dr J Ligon Duncan III Jorge Ruiz- N.T. Wright Or the Recatholisation of Protestant Thought |
Open Theism What is Open Theism? by Andrew Wilson Responding to Open Theism in Fourteen Words by Andrew Wilson |
Philosophy Why Philosophy Matters for Christians by Vern Poythress |
Resurrection William Lane Craig vs Bart Ehrman: Resurrection Debate William Lane Craig vs. Richard Carrier: Resurrection Debate Evidence for the Resurrection by Josh McDowell The Evidence for the Resurrection Pt1---Can it Persuade Skeptics? By Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon Christianity-Hoax or History by Josh McDowell Reasons Skeptics Should Consider Christianity by Josh McDowell Skeptics Who demanded a Verdict by Josh McDowell What's the big deal about Easter? Washington Examiner Evidence for the Resurrection by Jay Smith Evidence for the Resurrection by Hershel Lee Harvell Jr |
Trinity Linus or Manmas? by Scot Oliphint |
A wide variety of mp3 debates on God's existence, Christianity vs Islam, etc... Here. |