
Reformed on the Web


A Defense of Credo-baptism

(Below this list will be a list for the Defense of Paedo-baptism)

An Exposition of Acts 2:39 and Infant Baptism by John G. Reisinger

Baptizo Believer’s Immersion Page- A Large Collection of Links on Baptism

Contending for Truth in Love by Tom Ascol

The Divine Right of Infant Baptism Examined and Disproved by John Gill

The Evils of Infant Baptism by Robert Boyt C. Howell

Audio Sermons on Baptism by Albert N. Martin & Greg Nichols

A Scriptural Critique of Infant Baptism by John F. MacArthur (Mp3)

The Theory of Baptismal Regeneration by B. H. Carroll

What is an Historic Baptist? by David A. West, Sr.

What is a Reformed Baptist? by Jim Savastio

From Circumcision to Baptism by Dr. Greg Welty

A Critical Evaluation of Paedobaptism by Greg Welty (First link is to a web page that contains a table with this article and Greg critiquing his own article. For a Pdf of the article click here.)

Baptism & Covenant Theology by Walter J. Chantry

Infant Baptism and the Regulative Principle of Worship by Fred Malone

The Regulative Principle - A Baptist Doctrine by Jeff Robinson

A String of Pearls Unstrung by Fred Malone

The Hermeneutics of Baptist Covenant Theology by Fred Malone

The 1677/1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

A Collection of Baptists Catechisms

Why Wait? Four Practical Reasons for Withholding Baptism by David Michael

Why I Am A Reformed Baptist by James White

Believer’s Baptism by Immersion by William Downing

The Meaning and Use of Baptizein by T. J. Conant

The Case for Credobaptism by Sam Renihan - answered by Brian Crosby below

A Credobaptistic Exposition of Covenant Theology by Colin D. Smith

Baptist Covenant Theology by Stuart Brogden Chart showing the difference between Baptist Covenant Theology and Presbyterian Covenant Theology

The Household Baptisms of the New Testament by David Cason

Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology by the Renihan's

1 Cor. 7:14 – The “Legitimacy” Interpretation by Brandon Adams

1 Cor. 7:14 – No Proof of Infant Baptism by Brandon Adams

Baptism - A Confession of Faith by Michael Gowens

Infant Baptism: A Part and Pillar of Popery by John Gill

Baptism in its Mode and Subjects by Alexander Carson

Baptism and the Relationship between the Covenants by Stephen J. Wellum

Abraham Booth- Vol I: Paedobaptism Examined: With replies to the Arguments and Objections of Dr. Williams and Mr. Peter Edwards

Adoniram Judson- A Sermon on Christian Baptism

Allen, William- Doubt Resolved

Allen, William- Some Baptism Abuses Recently Discovered

John T. Christian- Baptist History Vindicated

John T. Christian- Did They Dip?

Thomas Grantham- Truth and Peace, OR, The Last and most Friendly Debate Concerning Infant-Baptism

Robert Garner- A Treatise of Baptism

Hanserd Knollys- The Baptist Answer to Mr. Obed Wills, His Appeal Against Mr. Henry Danvers

Andrew Ritor- A Treatise of the Vanity of Childish-Baptism

Andrew Ritor- The Second Part of the Vanity & Childishness of Infants Baptism

A Defense of Paedo-baptism

Reply to Evils of Infant Baptism by Robert Boyt C. Howell by L. Rosser

Retraction of Believer’s Baptism Onlyism by Dr. C. Matthew McMahon

Baptism by Francis A. Schaeffer

The Biblical Basis For Infant Baptism by Rev. Bryn MacPhail

A Primer on Covenant Theology & Baptism

Reformed Answers: Grudem on Baptism: Meaning and Mode by Ra McLaughlin

A Case for infant Baptism-Confessions of a Former Baptist by Dr. Robert McKelvy (Mp3)

What Is the Primary Meaning of Baptism? Some Translational Difficulties Study by Fred Karlson

Classic Baptism by James Wilkinson Dale

Immersion proved to be not a scriptural mode of Baptism, but a Romish invention by Rev. W. A. McKay, B. A.

The Case for Paedobaptism by Brian Cosby - answered by Sam Renihan above

Why We Baptize the Children of Believers by Michael Brown

The Sacraments: Lecture 2 - The Covenantal Context for Discussing the Sacraments by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

Westminster Confession of Faith

Westminster Larger Catechism

Westminster Shorter Catechism

A Series of articles placed up by The Gospel Coalition on Baptism:

Baptism and Church Membership: Sometimes Obedience Results in Painful Separations by James Hamilton

Membership Requires Affirmation of Infant Baptism: A Paedobaptist Response by Michael Horton

A Happy Baptist, Happy to Welcome Others: Strengthening Church Membership Without Watering Down Immersion by David Mathis

Other Links:

Universal Infant Salvation and Reformed Baptists by Manuel Kuhs

Index of Audio sermons and Debates on Baptism

Debate on Baptism: Embracing Mode and Subjects, between Elder J. A. Harding, (Disciple), of Kentucky, and Rev. T. L. Wilkinson, (Methodist)

Theological Position Paper: Paedobaptism versus Believer’s Baptism by Brian Watson

Infant Baptism vs. Believers' Baptism by Rev. A

Baptism and the Lord's Supper by Thabiti Anyabwile & J. Ligon Duncan III

A Debate Between Rev. A Campbell and Rev. N. L. Rice on baptism