
Reformed on the Web


Papyrus of the Acts found at Oxyrrhynchus Egypt 3


Are the New Testament documents reliable F F Bruce

The Divine Inspiration of the Bible by Arthur W Pink

The Reformers view of inspiration by Philip Edgecumbe Hughes

The inspiration of Scripture in the English reformers illuminated by John Calvin by Philip Edgecumbe Hughes

The authority and inspiration of the scriptures by Benjamin B Warfield

The divine and human in the Bible by Benjamin B Warfield

The Canon of Scripture by Samuel Walton

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Original Manuscripts, the Majority Text, and Translations by W. Gary Crampton

The Geneva Bible and Its Influence on the King James Bible by Matthew Barrett

Earliest New Testament Translations-An Interlinear Comparison in Modern English

7 things you may not know about the King James Bible

Textus Receptus

The Geneva Bible - An Historical Report

The Bible in English

An Introduction to Textual Criticism

The Development of the Bible: An Interview with Michael Kruger

New Testament Textual Criticism: The Case for Byzantine Priority by Maurice A. Robinson

New Age Bible Versions Refuted by James White

Answering Riplinger According to her Folly (A book review)

Guardian of the Word by Andrew Hoffecker

The Inspiration of the Bible by Hershel L Harvell Jr.

Apologia Radio- The King James Only Controversy-James White vs. Steven Anderson

Why I preach from the Received Text by Jeffrey T. Riddle & Christian M. McShaffrey

The Canon of Scripture by F. F. Bruce

Introduction to Bibliology by Frank Pastore


The Reliability of the New Testament Text by Dr. James White