
cdromThe BAPTIST library vol i.cdrom

Reformedontheweb is excited to present to you: “The Baptist Library Vol I.” Each book is in adobe reader format, and is a searchable document. I only have one scanned file in this entire collection. My goal is to produce a library that is Baptist friendly and that focuses primarily on particular Baptist doctrine. This does not mean that all the files listed below are by particular Baptists. Some are by paedo- baptists and are included because they present Biblical truth that particular Baptist agree with; such as: Boettner's 'The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.' This is what the collection includes:

A workable index- search the entire library through one master index. Each collection has its own index, however, send a shortcut of the master index to your desktop and access all files through the master index. The master index is titled 'baptistvol1.index'

Over 400 Mb's of books on this disk

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What you will get by buying this collection:

The Arthur Pink Collection- Click the title to check out this collection

The John Bunyan Collection- Click the title to check out this collection

The John Gill Collection- Click the title to check out this collection


Beginners Latin Book

Eastons Bible Dictionary

Geneva Bible

King James Bible


Abraham Booth- The Reign of Grace

A. H. Strong- Sovereign Grace Defended

Andrew Fuller- God's Approbation of our Labours Necessary to the Hope of Success

Andrew Fuller- The Great Question Answered

Archibald Alexander- A Practical View of Regeneration

Archibald Alexander- Practical Directions How to grow in Grace

Asahel Nettleton- Professing Christians, Awake!

Asahel Nettleton Sermons: The Destruction of Hardened Sinners, Rejoice Young Man

Augustine- A treatise on Grace and Freewill

Augustine- A treatise on the Gift of Perseverance

Augustine- A treatise on the Predestination of the Saints

Augustus Toplady- A Letter to the Rev John Wesley

Basil Manly- Notes of a Sermon

Benjamin Cox- Some Mistaken Scriptures Sincerely Explained

Benjamin Keach- The Glory of a True Church and its Discipline Display'd

Charles Hodge- Justification

Charles Spurgeon- A Defense of Calvinism

Edward Payson Sermons Vol I (1-48)

Edward Payson Sermons Vol I (49-97)

Francis Turretin- Predestination of the Elect of God

Francis Turretin- The Necessity of the Atonement

Francis Turretin- The Object of Predestination

George Whitefield- A Letter to Wesley

Hanserd Knollys- Christ Exalted: A Lost Sinner

Hercules Collins- A Discourse upon the Decrees of God

Isaac Backus- The Bondwoman and the Free

Isaac Backus- The Sovereign Decrees of God set in a Scriptural Light

James Boyce- Abstract of Systematic Theology

James Haldane- Four Treatises, to which is added 'The Revelation of God's Righteousness'

James Haldane- Also added to the above: Doctrine of the Atonement'

James Haldane- Also added to the above: The Gospel, What is It?

Jerome Zanchius- The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination

John Broadus- Life and Letters

John Broadus- Sermons (1-24)

John Broadus- The Duty of Baptists to teach their distinctive views

John Calvin- Institutes

John Calvin- Thirty Six Sermons

John Dagg's Manual of Theology Vol I

John Dagg's Manual of Theology Vol II

John Knox- What to do when there is no faithful Church in your area

John Newton- The Doctrines of Election & Final Perseverance

John Q. Adams- Baptists, The Only Thorough Reformers

Loraine Boettner- The Atonement

Loraine Boettner- The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination

Loraine Boettner- The Reformed Faith

Octavius Winslow- Divine Predestination

R. B. C. Howell- Perseverance of the Saints

R. B. C. Howell- The Covenants

R. B. C. Howell- The Evils of Infant Baptism

Richard Fuller- Predestination

Robert Haldane- Romans

Theodore Beza- A briefe Declaration of the Table of Predestination

Theodore Beza- Faith & Justification

Theodore Beza- Jesus Christ the Son of God

Theodore Beza- That which we call the Word of God: Its Two Parts—The Law & the Gospel

Thomas Patient- The Doctrine of Baptism, and the Distinction of the Covenants

William Cox- The Bible Without Comment

William Kiffin- A Sober Discourse of Right to Church Communion

Zacharias Ursinus- What is Catechism?

Zacharias Ursinus- What is the Gospel?

Creeds & Confessions (In alphabetical order)

1677/89 London Baptist Confession of Faith

1833 New Hampshire Confession

A Brief Catechism of Bible Doctrine- James P. Boyce

A Catechism for Girls & Boys (1798)

A Catechism of Bible Teaching- John Broadus (1892)

A Catechism or Instructions for Children & Youth (1810)

American Baptist Confessions

Anabaptist Confessions of Faith

An Appendix to a Confession of Faith- Benjamin Cox

Apostles Creed

A Puritan Catechism with Proofs compiled by C. H. Spurgeon

A Short Catechism about Baptism- John Tombes

Baptist Catechisms- A collection of Baptist Catechisms

Canons of Dort (1618-1619)

Carter Lane Declaration of Faith (1757)

Catechism of the Waldenses

Early English Baptist Associational Confessions

English Baptist General Confessions

English Baptist Separatist Confessions

French Confession of Faith (1559)

Fulton Confession (1900)

Gadsby's Catechism

Henry Jessey's A Catechism for Babes, or Little Ones (1652)

Instruction for the Ignorant- John Bunyan (1675)

Irish Articles of Religion (1615)

John Spilsbury and His Confession

London Baptist Confession of 1644

Midland Confession of Faith (1655)

Principles of Faith of the Sandy Creek Association

Table Talk- Martin Luther

The 95 Theses- Martin Luther

The 1695 Baptist Catechism

The Abstract of Principles (1858)

The Anthanasian Creed

The Augsburg Confession

The Baptist Catechism, Charleston Association of 1813

The Baptist Catechism- Keach's Catechism (1677)

The Baptist Scriptural Catechism- Henry Clay Fish (1850)

The Belgic Confession (1561)

The Canons of the Council of Chalcedon (451)

The Canons of the Council of Orange (529)

The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon (451)

The Faith and Practise of Thirty Congregations (1651)

The First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1646 Edition)

The Geneva Catechism (1545)

The Heidelberg Catechism

The Larger Catechism- Martin Luther

The Nicene Creed

The Orthodox Catechism (1680)

The Philadelphia Baptist Catechism

The Philadelphia Confession (1742)

The Schleitheim Confession (1527)

The Scots Confession of 1560

The Second Helvetic Confession

The Smalcald Articles- Martin Luther

The Small Catechism- Martin Luther

The Somerset Confession of Faith (1656)

The True Gospel-Faith declared according to the Scriptures (1654)

The Westminster Confession of Faith

The Westminster Larger Catechism

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion

Various Creeds of the Church


Anonymous- Amalgamation of General and Particular Baptists 1891

Anonymous- A London Congregation During the Great Persecution Petty France Church

Anonymous- Association records of the Particular Baptists

Anonymous- Baptist Ministers in England about 1750 A. D.

Anonymous- The Baptists and the Transformation of the Church 1780-1830

Anonymous- Baptist Preaching in Early 18th Century England

Anonymous- How did William Kiffin join the Baptists

Anonymous- Marriage Covenants of the General Baptists

Anonymous- The Relation of Infants to the Church, Baptism & Gospel in Seventeenth Century Baptist Theology

Anonymous- Was John Bunyan a Baptist?

Henry C. Vedder- A Short History of the Baptists

John T. Christian- A History of the Baptists Vol I

John T. Christian- A History of the Baptists Vol II

Joseph Ivimey- A History of the English Baptists

S. H. Ford- The Origin of the Baptists

Thomas Armitage- A History of the Baptists, The American Baptists

Your purchase of this collection aides in the process of putting out more books that are centered on Baptist doctrine, particularly, particular Baptist doctrine. So all you have to do to purchase this collection is hit the paypal button to the right.

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You can buy individual collections by clicking the links below, or combine your collections, as specified on these pages:

The Arthur Pink Collection

The John Bunyan Collection

The John Gill Collection

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