cdromThe John Bunyan Collectioncdrom

       Reformedontheweb is excited to present to you the works of John Bunyan. This collection is based on the edition put out by George Offor in the mid 1800's. Every book is in Adobe Reader format
       and has been meticulously copied into the files. All chapters have been bookmarked and most subsections have been bookmarked. All footnotes have been bookmarked, both in the text and in the
       footnote section. This edition includes:

       A workable index- Open all files from one file
       Memoirs by: .........George Offor, George Cheever, Edmund Venables, and James Anthony Froude
       Additional notes: ...on the Pilgrim's Progress by George Offor
       Bonus Books: ....... Two Bibles, Two Study Helps, Two Confessions, Two Volumes of  Theology, The Institutes, and The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination

Scroll Down to check out all the material on this Cd.

Volume 1

1. Memoir of Bunyan- George Offor

2. Grace Abounding

3. Relation of His Imprisonment

4. Continuation of Bunyan's Life

5. Bunyan's Dying Sayings

6. Bunyan's Prison Meditations

7. The Jerusalem Sinner Saved

8. The Greatness of the Soul

9. The Work of Jesus Christ as an Advocate

10. Christ-A Complete Saviour

11. Come and Welcome, to Jesus Christ

12. Justification by an Imputed Righteousness

13. Saved by Grace

14. The Strait Gate

15. Light for them that sit in Darkness

16. The Fear of God

17. Doctrine of the Law & Grace Unfolded

18. Israel's Hope Encouraged

19. A Discourse Touching Prayer

20. The Saints Privilege & Profit

21. The Acceptable Sacrifice

22. Paul's Depature & Crown

23. The Desire of the Righteous Granted

Volume 2

1. The Saint's Knowledge of Christ's Love

2. Antichrist and His Ruin

3. The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment

4. Some Gospel Truths Opened

5. A Vindication of Gospel Truths Opened

6. A Discourse Upon the Pharisee and Publican

7. A Defence of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith in Jesus Christ

8. Reprobation Asserted

9. Five Questions About the Nature and Perpetuity of the Seventh-day Sabbath

10. The Trinity and a Christian

11. Scriptural Poems

12. An Exposition on the First Ten Chapters of Genesis

13. A Holy Life-The Beauty of Christianity

14. Christian Behaviour

15. A Caution to Stir up to Watch Against Sin

16. The Nature, Excellency, and Government of the House of God

17. A Confession of My Faith

18. Differences in Judgment About Water Baptism – No Bar to Communion

19. Peaceable Principles and True

20. A Case of Conscience Resolved

21. Instructions for the Ignorant

22. Seasonable Counsel - or Advice to Sufferers

23. An Exhortation to Peace and Unity

24. Bunyan's Last Sermon

Volume 3

1a. Introduction by Editor

1b. Synopsis by Editor

1c. The Author's Apology-Pilgrim Progress

1d. The Pilgrim's Progress Part 1

2. The Pilgrim's Progress Part 2

3. The Holy War

4. A Map Showing the Order and Causes of Salvation and Damnation

5. The Heavenly Footman

6. The Holy City - or the New Jerusalem

7. Solomon's Temple Spiritualized

8. The House of the Forest of Lebanon

9. The Water of Life

10. The Barren Fig-tree

11. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman

12. Some Sighs from Hell

13. One Thing is Needful

14. A Book for Boys and Girls

15. The Struggler

Additional Material

Volume 1

A Memoir of Bunyan- George Cheever

Bunyan by James Anthony Froude

The Life of John Bunyan- Edmund Venables

Warrant for Bunyan's Arrest

Was John Bunyan a Baptist?

Volume 3

An Elegy

Map-The Road from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City

Pastoral Letters

Pictures Related to Pilgrims Progress

Bonus Books

Geneva Bible

King James Bible

1677-89 London Baptist Confession of Faith

The Westminster Confession of Faith

Eastons Bible Dictionary

Beginners Latin Book

John Dagg's Manual of Theology Vol 1

John Dagg's Manual of Theology Vol 2

Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol. 1-4- John Calvin

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination- Loraine Boettner

I fell in love with the writings of Bunyan, after having transcribed and formatted his works. He was a mere tinker (mechanic) among men, but in the things of God, as a Theologian and Preacher, he was Par excellence among Theologians and Preachers.

So if you are ready to read Bunyan and fall in love with his works, as I have, then click the link in the center and purchase your copy today.

If you need to contant me, then send me an email





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What John Owen said concerning Bunyan:

There was no sufferer in whose behalf Owen exerted his influence more earnestly than John Bunyan. It is well known that, as a preacher, Bunyan excited, wherever he went, an interest not surpassed even by the ministry of Baxter. When he preached in barns or on commons, he gathered eager thousands around him; and when he came to London, twelve hundred people would be found gathered together at seven on the dark morning of a winter working-day, to hear him expound the Word of God. Among these admiring multitudes Owen had often been discovered; — the most learned of the Puritans hung for hours, that seemed like moments, upon the lips of this untutored genius. The king is reported to have asked Owen, on one occasion, how a learned man like him could go “to hear a tinker prate;” to which the great theologian answered “May it please your majesty, could I possess the tinker’s abilities for preaching, I would willingly relinquish all my learning.

To Buy all three collections, visit the John Gill Page

Check out 

The Arthur W. Pink Collection

The John Gill Collection

Or buy it all in 

The Baptist Library  Vol I

Sample Picture of  the Title Page for 'Grace Abounding"

Sample Picture of  the Title Page for 'A Few Sighs From Hell'


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