
cdromThe John GILL Collectioncdrom

Reformedontheweb is excited to present to you the works of John Gill. This collection contains 115 files, including: sermons, treatises, and commentary. Every book is in Adobe Reader format

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              Bonus Books------Two Bibles, Two Confessions, One Volume of Theology, Keach- The Glory of a True Church and its Discipline Display'd, and several more books which are listed below

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1. The Scriptures: the Only Guide in Matters of Religion.

2. The Agreement of the Old & New Testament.

3. The Sure Performance of Prophecy.

4. The Words of David, the Words of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Spirit.

5. Faith in God and His Word, the Establishment and Prosperity of His People.


6. Jehovah's Prerogative, and His alone, to put away the Sins of His People.

7. The Doctrine of Predestination stated, and set in the Scripture Light: In opposition to Mr. Wesley's, 'Predestination calmly Considered', with a Reply to the Exceptions of the said Writer to 'The Doctrine of the Final Perseverance of the Saints.'

8. Truth Defended, being an Answer to an Anonymous pamphlet, entitled, 'Some Doctrines in the Supralapsarian Scheme impartially examined by the Word of God'.


9. The Doctrines of God's Everlasting Love to His Elect, and their Eternal Union with Christ, together with some other Truths, stated and defended, in a Letter to Dr. Abraham Taylor.

10. The Love of God, considered.


11a. The Stability of the Covenant of Grace, The Support of a Believer under outward and inward Troubles.

11b. The Stability of the Covenant of Grace, The Support of a Believer under outward and inward Troubles.

12. Covenant Interest in God, and a View of what is in Him, as a Covenant God; a sufficient Encouragement to His People in the Worst of Times.

13. The Eyes of the Lord upon, and His Power engaged on the Behalf of those whose hearts are upright towards Him.


14. The Character and End of the Wicked, considered.

15. Jehovah's Declaration, 'Behold the man is become as one of us', considered.

16. The Plague of a Man's own Heart, what it is, to whom discovered; and the encouragement given to such Persons to expect the Pardon of all their sins.


17. A Dissertation concerning the Eternal Sonship of Christ; shewing by whom it has been denied and opposed, and by whom it has been asserted and defended in all ages of Christianity.

18. The Fullness of the Mediator.

19. Christ, a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek.

20a. The Appearance of Christ in Human Nature, and His Discoveries of Himself to His People, comparable to the Light of the Morning, and to the tender Grass springing out of the Earth, by clear Shining after Rain.

20b. The Appearance of Christ in Human Nature, and His Discoveries of Himself to His People, comparable to the Light of the Morning, and to the tender Grass springing out of the Earth, by clear Shining after Rain.

21. The Infinite Condescension of Jehovah, manifested in dwelling on the Earth.

22. The Character of a Ruler over Men, Just, ruling in the Fear of God, found with Christ.

23. Christ the Ransom found. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. John Daven-port.

24. Christ the Savior from the Tempest. A Sermon in Commemoration of the Great Storm in the
Year 1703.

25. David a Type of Christ.

26. Levi's Urim and Thummim found with Christ.

27. The Meat-Offering typical both of Christ, and of His People.

28. The Table and Shew-Bread, typical of Christ and His Church.

29. The Wave-Sheaf typical of Christ.

30. Paul's Farewell Discourse at Ephesus.


31. The Law established by the Gospel. A Sermon preached at a Monthly Exercise of Prayer, at Mr. Samuel Wilson’s Meeting-house in Goodman’s-fields.

32. The Law in the Hand of Christ.


33. The Glory of God's Grace Displayed in its Abounding Over the Aboundings of Sin. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. John Smith, deacon. Preached at the Time of his Interment, April 15, 1724.

34. A Good Hope through Grace. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Edward Ludlow.

35. The Free Grace of God exalted in the Character of St. Paul. A Sermon Occa-sioned by the Death of Mr. John Brine, Baptist Minister.

36. Who shall lay anything to the Charge of God's Elect? It is God that justifieth. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Anne Brine, late Wife of Mr. John Brine, Baptist Minister.

37. The Doctrine of Justification, by the Righteousness of Christ.

38. The Doctrine of Imputed Righteousness without works, Asserted and Proved.

39. The Necessity of Christ's making Satisfaction for Sin.

40. The Elect of God, chosen Vessels of Salvation, filled with the Oil of Grace.

41. A Principle of Grace in the Heart, a good thing, always tending toward the Lord God of Israel..

42. The Manifestation of Christ, as a Saviour to His People, a cause of great Joy.

43. A Knowledge of Christ, and of Interest in Him, the Support of a Believer in Life and in Death.
A Discourse occasioned by the Decease of Mr. Joshua Hayes.

44. The Doctrine of Grace cleared from the Charge of Licentiousness.

45. The Necessity of Good Works unto Salvation, considered; Occasioned by some Reflections and Misrepresentations of Dr. Abraham Taylor, in a pamphlet of his lately published, called, 'An Address to young Students in Divinity, by way of Caution against some Paradoxes, which lead to Doctrinal Antinomianism’.

46. The Doctrine of the Saints' Final Perseverance, Asserted and Vindicated: In Answer to a late pamphlet by Mr. John Wesley called, ‘Serious Thoughts upon the Perseverance of the Saints’.


47. A Discourse on Prayer, to a Society of young Men, who carry on an Exercise of Prayer on Lord's Day Mornings, at the Meeting-house in Horsly-down.

48. Neglect of fervent Prayer complained of.


49. The Dissenter's Reasons for Separating from the Church of England, Occasioned by A Letter from a Welsh Clergyman on 'The Duty of Catechizing Children.’

50. The Doctrine of the Wheels, in the Visions of Ezekiel, Opened and Explained.

51. Solomon's Temple a figure of the Church; and the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, typical of

52. The Glory of the Church in the Latter Day.

53a. Attendance in Places of Religious Worship, where the Divine Name is recorded, encouraged.

53b. Attendance in Places of Religious Worship, where the Divine Name is recorded, encouraged.

54. A Discourse on Singing of Psalms as a Part of Divine Worship, to a Society of Young Men, who carry on an Exercise of Prayer on Lord’s Day Mornings, at the Meeting-house in Horsly-down, Southwark

56. A Declaration of the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ, in Carter Lane, Southwark, under the Pastoral care of Dr. John Gill, read and assented to at the Admission of Members.

57. A Dissertation concerning the Rise and Progress of Popery.


58. Baptism, A Divine Command to be Observed . A Sermon preached at the baptism of Robert
Carmichael of Edinburgh.

59. Baptism: A Public Ordinance of Divine Worship.

60. The Ancient Mode of Baptizing By Immersion, Plunging, or Dipping into Water, Maintained and Vindicated, against the Cavils and Exceptions of Mr. Matthias Maurice, as set forth in his pamphlet entitled, 'The Manner of baptizing with water, cleared up from the Word of God and right Reason, etc.’ Together with some Remarks upon Mr. Maurice’s Practice of a mixed and free Communion in Churches

61. A Defense of a Book entitled, 'The Ancient Mode of Baptizing By Immersion, Plunging, or Dipping into Water, &c', against Mr. Matthias Maurice’s Reply in his pamphlet, called ‘Plunging into Water no Scriptural Mode of Baptizing, etc.’

62. The Divine Right of Infant-Baptism, Examined and Disproved; Being an Answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, 'A Brief Illustration and Confirmation of the Divine Right of Infant-Baptism.' by Mr. Jonathan Dickinson of Elizabeth-Town, New Jersey.

63. The Argument From Apostolic Tradition, In Favour Of Infant-Baptism, Considered, along with others, advanced in a late Pamphlet, called, ‘The Baptism of Infants, a reasonable Service, founded upon Scripture and undoubted Apostolic Tradition.’

65. An Answer To A Welsh Clergyman's Twenty Arguments in Favor of Infant-Baptism, with Some Strictures on what the said Author has advanced concerning the Mode of Baptism.

66. Antipaedobaptism; or Infant-Baptism, an Innovation: Being a Reply to a late Pamphlet, entitled, 'Paedobaptism; or, A Defense of Infant-Baptism, in point of Antiquity, &c.’

67. A Reply To A Book, entitled, 'A Defense Of The Divine Right Of Infant-Baptism, ' by Peter Clark, A.M. Minister of the Presbyterian Church in the City of Salem, New Hampshire.

68. Some Strictures on a late Treatise, called, 'A Fair and Rational Vindication of the Right of Infants to the Ordinance of Baptism.' Written by David Bostwick, A. M. late Minister of the Presbyterian Church in the City of New York.

69. Infant-Baptism, a Part and Pillar of Popery: Being A Vindication of a paragraph in a Preface to, 'A Reply to Mr. Clarke's, Defense of Infant-Baptism,' to which is added, A Postscript, etc.

70. A Dissertation concerning the Baptism of Jewish Proselytes: in which is shewn, Who they are of the Proselytes of the Jews that are said to be baptized; what the occasion of this Dissertation concerning the baptism of them; what proof there is of any such custom among the Jews, etc.


71. The Duty of a Pastor to his People. A Sermon at the Ordination of Mr. George Braithwaite.

72. The Work of a Gospel-Minister recommended to Consideration. A Charge delivered at the Ordination of Several Ministers. (2 Timothy 2:7)

73. The Doctrine of the Cherubim Opened and Explained. A Sermon at the Ordina-tion of Mr. John Davis.

74. The Form of Sound Words to be held fast. A Charge delivered at the Ordination of Mr. John Reynolds.

75. The Faithful Minister of Christ Crowned . A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. William Anderson, Baptist Minister.


76. The Quiet and Easy Passage of Christ's Purchased People through Death to Glory.

77. Job's Creed or Confession of Faith. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Edward Wallin, Baptist Minister.

78. The Head of the Serpent Bruised by the Seed of the Woman. Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Martha Gifford, late Wife of Mr. Andrew Gifford, Baptist Minister.

79. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Elizabeth Gill, who departed this Life May 30, 1738, having entered the 13th Year of her Age. To which is added, An Account of some of her Choice experiences.

80. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Mary Fall, late Wife of Mr. James Fall, Baptist Minister.

81. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Aaron Spurrier, Baptist Minister.

82. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Samuel Wilson, Baptist Minister. (Acts 20:38)

83. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Benjamin Seward, Esquire. (Psalms 37:37)

84. The Mutual Gain of Christ and Christians in Their Life and Death. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Joseph Stennett, Baptist Minister. (Philippians 1:21)

85. The Superior Happiness of the Righteous Dead to that of Living Saints. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mr. James Fall, Baptist Minister. (Ecclesiastes 4:2)

86. The Saints Desire after Heaven and a future State of Happiness. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Gill. (Hebrews 11:16)

87. The Doctrine of the Resurrection, Stated and Defended . In Two Sermons, preached at a Lecture in Lime-street. (Acts 26:8)

88. The Glorious State of the Saints in Heaven. (Psalms 84:11)

89. Dying Thoughts: Consisting of A Few Unfinished Hints, Written by Dr. Gill, a little before His Decease.


90. The Moral Nature and Fitness of Things Considered; Occasioned by some pas-sages in Mr. Samuel Chandler’s Sermon, lately preached to the Societies for the Reformation of Manners.

91. A Watchman's Answer to the Question, 'What of the Night ?'

92. The Practical Improvement of the Watchman's Answer.

93. An Essay on the Original of Funeral Sermons, Orations, and Odes. Occasioned by Two Funeral Discourses, Lately Published on the Death of Dame Mary Page, etc.

94. An Answer to the Birmingham Dialogue-Writer (Mr. Samuel Bourne, Presby-terian Minister in Birmingham). Part 1. A reply to a work entitled, ‘A Dialogue Between a Baptist and a Churchman Upon the following Subjects: The Divinity of Christ, Election, Original Sin, Free-Will, Irresistible Grace, Imputed Righteousness, Perseverance, and Baptism.

95. An Answer to the Birmingham Dialogue-Writer (Mr. Samuel Bourne, Presbyterian minister in Birmingham). Part 2. A Reply to a work entitled, 'A Dialogue Between a Baptist and a Churchman Upon the following Subjects: The Divinity of Christ, Election, Original Sin, Free-Will, Irresistible Grace, Imputed Righteousness, Perseverance, and Baptism.

96. To Remember all the Way in which the Lord hath led the Believer, both in Providence and Grace, a Duty incumbent on him.

97. The Presence of God, what it is, and the Means by which it may be enjoyed. (2 Chronicles 15:2)

98. The Dejected Believer's Soliloquy. A Discourse Occasioned by the Decease of Mrs. Ann Button.



99. A Vindication of the Reverend Mr. John Gill, from the cavils, and insults of an ignorant and impertinent scribbler, about the importance of Rabbinical learning.—Anonymous.

100. A Grain of Gratitude.—Thomas Craner. A Sermon Occasioned by the Death of John Gill, who departed this life, October 14, 1771.

101. An Elegy on the Death of the Rev. John Gill, D.D.—John Fellows.

102. An Elegy on the Death of the Rev. John Gill.—Benjamin Francis.

103. The Victorious Christian Receiving the Crown.—Samuel Stennett. A Sermon Occasioned By the Death of the Rev. John Gill.

104. Dr. Gill and Mr. Brine Vindicated From the Charge of Error and Mistake with Respect to Faith in Christ.—Anonymous.

The Prophecies of the Old Testament, respecting the Messiah, considered, and proved to be literally fulfilled in Jesus. Containing an Answer to the Objections of the Author of the ‘Scheme of Literal Prophecy’.

The Cause of God and Truth, In Four Parts.

A Dissertation concerning the Antiquity of the Hebrew Language, Letters, Vowels, Points, and Accents.

A Treatise on the Doctrine of the Trinity Stated and Vindicated.

A Complete Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity: or A System of Evangelical Truths, Deduced From The Sacred Scriptures. Two Volumes

Exposition of Solomon's Song Vol I.

Exposition of Solomon's Song Vol II.

Brief Memoir of the Life and Writings of the late Rev John Gill, D. D.

Summary of the Life of John Gill

Bonus Books

King James Bible

Geneva Bible

1677/89 London Baptist Confessions

Westminster Confession

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Systematic Theology- R. L. Dabney

Keach-The Glory of a True Church

Christ Exalted- Hanserd Knolly's

I have truly enjoyed working through John Gill's work. John Gill was a learned scholar of high caliber. He refuted many errors during his life through the writing of many treatises. I believe even my paedobaptist brothers would enjoy reading him, as he defends and vindicates: God's sovereignty, Predestination, Election, Christ alone, etc...

So if you are ready to read John Gill and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Saviour, then click the link in the middle of the page.

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But above all, true rest for the soul is to be had in Christ, and such who ask for the good and better way find it in him, nor is it to be found in any other; Christ is that to believers, as Noah s ark was to the dove, which could find no rest for the sole of its feet, till it returned thither: there is rest in Christ, and no where else, and he invites weary souls to come to him for it; his words are (Matthew 11:28, 29)

John Gill-The Scriptures: The Only Guide in Matters of Religion

Check Out:

The John Bunyan Collection

The Arthur Pink Collection

or buy all these collections plus more in

The Baptist Library Vol I

'The Ancient Mode of Baptizing, by Immersion, etc.'


'An Essay on the Origins of Funerals, etc.


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