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Calvinism Defended

This definition comes from the Portable Seminary:

Calvinism- A theological system based on the teachings of John Calvin (Jean Cauvin), a sixteenth-century French Reformer, Calvin stressed the supremacy of Scripture (Sola Scriptura) in theology and practice. Five key doctrines of Calvinism outlined by the Synod of Dort (1618) form the acronym TULIP:

Total depravity of mankind (sin renders us incapable of righteousness)

Unconditional election (God's election is not conditioned on our belief)

Limited atonement (Christ's redemptive work applies only to the elect)

Irresistible grace (God's grace cannot be rejected or thwarted)

Perseverance of the saints (the elect are eternally secure)

The definition below came from Theopedia:

Calvinism is the theological system associated with the Reformer John Calvin that emphasizes the rule of God over all things as reflected in its understanding of Scripture, God, humanity, salvation, and the church. In popular vernacular, Calvinism often refers to the Five Points of Calvinistic doctrine regarding salvation, which make up the acrostic TULIP. In its broader sense, Calvinism is associated with Reformed theology.

A Defense of Calvinism as the Gospel by Professor David J. Engelsma

A Defense of Calvinism by Charles Haddon Spurgeon


The Calvinist Corner

God So Loved The World by Homer C. Hoeksema

God’s Sovereignty in Salvation by Steven Houck

God’s Will & Man’s Will by Horatius Bonar

How Does a Sovereign God Love? A Reply to Thomas Talbott by John Piper

Practical Implications of Calvinism by Albert Martin

The "World" of John 3:16 Does Not Mean "All Men Without Exception" by David J. Engelsma

The Choice: Man’s or God's? by Unknown

The Five Points of Calvinism by W. J. Seaton

The Fundamental Principle of Calvinism by Henry Meeter

The Meaning of "Kosmos" in John 3:16 by Arthur Pink

The Rise & Demise of Calvinism Among Southern Baptist by Tom Nettles

What is Calvinism? by Benjamin B. Warfield

Charles Finney vs. The Westminster Confession by Michael Horton

Calvinism: The Meaning & Uses of the Term by Benjamin B. Warfield

The Five Points of Grace & of Predestination: Defined & Defended Against An Arminian Remonstrant by William Twisse

Sovereign Grace Defended by A. H. Strong

The Doctrine of Original Sin Defended by Jonathan Edwards

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner

Double Predestination by R. C. Sproul

Double or Nothing: Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Predestination by Brian G. Mattson

The Doctrines of Election & Perseverance by John Newton

Adam’s Fall & Mine by R. C. Sproul

What Theology is This? Dave Hunt’s Misrepresentation of God and Calvinism by Steven J. Cole

All of Grace by Charles H. Spurgeon

The Origins of Calvinism by Joel Beeke (Book Excerpt)

The Compatibility of Determinism and Human Freedom by Bruce Ware

“Problematic Texts” for Definite Atonement in the Pastoral and General Epistles by Thomas R. Schreiner 

Calvinism and Evangelical Arminianism by John L. Girardeau

A Brief Definition of Calvinism

New Calvinism Considered Jeremy Walker (Mp3)

The Merger of Calvinism with Worldliness from Sword & Trowel 2009, No. 1 by Dr Peter Masters

God Sovereign and Man Free by N. L. Rice

Wesley and Pelagius Posted By Lee Gatiss

Calvinism Debate Video: Romans 9, James White vs. Leighton Flowers

Does “All” Ever Mean “All” in Scripture?

The Doxological Nature of Calvinism by Dr Sinclair B Ferguson

Apologia-Is Calvinism Satanic with John Samson (Mp3)

Here’s The Point: Calvinists and Non-Calvinists in the SBC by Tom Nettles

Who Limits the Atonement by Charles Woodruff

The Points of Calvinism: Retrospect and Prospect by Kenneth J. Stewart

A Brief Clarification of Calvinism, Arminianism & Hyper-Calvinism by Tom Ascol

Where’d All These Calvinists Come From? by Mark Dever

Interpreting Scriptures that Contain the Words: All, Everyone, and World by Hershel L Harvell Jr.

Everyone Believes in Limited Atonement Geof Volker

The Atonement by Loraine Boettner

The Five Points of Calvinism by Robert L. Dabney

Predestination and Free Will by James Montgomery Boice

Was Calvin a Calvinist? Or, Did Calvin (or Anyone Else in the Early Modern Era) Plant the “TULIP”? by Richard A. Muller

Calvin on Christian Liberty

Calvin's Doctrine of Christian Liberty by William L. Hiemstra

The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination Stated and Asserted by Jerome Zanchius

Predestination by Greg Johnson

'Shades of Opinion within a Generic Calvinism' The Particular Redemption Debate at the Westminster Assembly by Lee Gatiss

Institutes of the Christian Religion Volumes 1-4 by John Calvin

The Doctrine of Original Sin, as Received and Taught by the Churches of the Reformation by Robert W. Landis

Election and Reprobation by James Henly Thornwell

Lectures on Calvinism by Abraham Kuyper

The Origins of Calvinism by Joel Beeke

The Theology of Charles Finney: A System of Self-Reformation by Jay E. Smith

Charles G. Finneys Doctrine of Justification by David H. Linden

Just for fun:

Cage Stage Calvinism

Early Warning Signs Of Adult Onset Calvinism