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This definiton comes from ( right here:

Prolegomena--Prolegomena simply means prefatory remarks. The Prolegomena of a Systematic Theology refers to the methodological questions generally found in the opening sections, dealing with the nature and task of theology and perhaps with the nature and focal point of revelation.


The purpose of these links is not to say that I agree entirely with every article, but instead to give the student of theology an idea of how he might approach the study of Theology or approach a systematic theology of the scriptures.

Theological Prolegomena

Prolegomena to Historical Theology by Samuel Waldron

Introduction to Theology

Prolegomena to Theology

How to Do Theology

Philosophy and Christian Theology

The Revival of Systematic Theology An Overview by Gabriel Fackre

Charles Hodge Introduction to Theology (Methodology)

Charles Hodge Systematic Theology Volume 1


Charles Hodge focuses on three main methods of how to do theology in his introduction to theology. Here I will provide a definition for each method and provide several links to aide in your study of these things.

Mystical Method of doing Theology

This definition comes from wikipedia right here:

Mysticism ( pronunciation; from the Greek μυστικός, mystikos, meaning 'an initiate') is the knowledge of, and especially the personal experience of, states of consciousness, i.e. levels of being, beyond normal human perception, including experience and even communion with a supreme being.

Some links to aide you in the study of this method of theology:

Asceticism and Mystical Theology

Asceticism and Mystical Theology

Orthodox Mysticism: Teachings of the Desert Fathers


Psuedo-Dionysius the Areopagite



This definition comes from wikipedia right here:

Rationalism-a philosophical position, theory, or view that reason is the source of knowledge or Rationalism Theology—same theory applied in theology, contrary to revelation.

Some links to aide one in their study on this method:

Rationalism and Fundamentalism

Rationalism vs. Empiricism

Rationalism and Supernaturalism


Inductive Method

This definition comes from the Free Dictionary online here:

Of, relating to, or using logical induction

This definition came from here:

Noun 1. inductive reasoning - reasoning from detailed facts to general principles generalization, induction, generalisation colligation - the connection of isolated facts by a general hypothesis 

Some links to aide one in their study on this method:

Charles Hodge and the Method of Systematic Theology

Charles Hodge and the Method of Systematic Theology: a Corrective

The Inductive Method in Religion

How to have an Inductive Bible Study

Systematic Theology by Mike Stallard

Systematic Theology as a Biblical Discipline by Michael Williams

Systematic and Biblical Theology by William Gross

The Definition, Validation, And Methodology Of Systematic Theology by Geoffrey Randall Kirkland

Lectures to My Students by C. H. Spurgeon--Vol. 1Vol. 2Vol. 3Vol. 4

Dissertation on PDF: “The Self-Attestation of Scripture as the Proper Ground for Systematic Theology

Ursinus on How to Study Theology by Patrick T. McWilliams

Why Theological Study Is for Everyone by Jared Wilson

What you believe matters by Justin S. Holcomb

Biblical versus Systematic Theology? Article by Donald Macleod

Francis Turretin on Theological Prolegomena by J. V. Fesko

The Justification of Theology: With a Special Application to Contemporary Christology by Robert Reymond

Some Systematic Theologies in Pdf:

Charles Hodge Systematic Theology Volume 1

Charles Hodge Systematic Theology Volume 2

Charles Hodge Systematic Theology Volume 3

Charles Hodge Systematic Theology Index

Vincent Chueng Systematic Theology

James Petigru Boyce-Abstract of Systematic Theology

A Foundation for Faith an Introductory study of Systematic Theology by Stanford E. Murrell, Th. D.

Summary of Christian Doctrine by Louis Berkhof

Systematic Theology by Louis Berkhof

Robert L. Dabney's Systematic Theology

Syllabus and Notes of the Course of Systematic and Polemic Theology Taught In Union Theological Seminary, Virginia. BY R. L. DABNEY, D. D., LL. D. 

Dogmatic Theology (Vol. 1) W. G. T. Shedd Available in Epub and and Pdf Formats

Historical Theology by William Cunningham Vol 1, Vol 2

The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington Also available in Epub, .mobi and scanned Pdf Formats

Outlines of Theology by A. A. Hodge

The Great Doctrines of the Bible by Rev. William Evans

Louis Berkhof- Outline of Louis Berkhof's Systematic Theology by Scott R. Clark

Systematic Theology Volumes 1-3 by A. H. Strong Pdf

Institutes of the Christian Religion Volumes 1-4 by John Calvin


Some online Seminary Lectures that can be downloaded for free:

Covenant Theological Seminary's Worldwide Classroom

"Offers free downloads of courseware (audio lectures and transcripts) and study guide materials for more than 20 of Covenant Seminary's master-level seminary courses." Full seminary courses from one of the best Reformed seminaries, awesome opportunity to study. 

Reformed Theological Seminary on iTunes U

Download free over 40 full courses, as well as chapel messages, special events, seminars, and more! You must have itunes installed on your computer in order to download these lectures.

Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology on itunes

117 Lectures, an entire series of Systematic Theology

Sam Waldron’s Lectures on Systematic Theology, Church History, Natural and Special Revelation [16 Part Audio]

Greg Nichols-The Doctrine of God Academy Church Lectures [45 Part Audio]