
Reformed on the Web

Reformed Baptist Churches

Find a Reformed Baptist Church

Not everyone of these links are links to Reformed Baptist Churches. If there is no Reformed Baptist Church in your area, then I have included links to Sovereign Grace Churches, Acts 29 Churches, and PCA Churches.

Confessional Baptist Association

Johnny Farese's Reformed Baptist Church Directory -- these churches subscribe to the 1689 Confession

Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals Church Directory -- these Baptist churches hold to the doctrines of grace

Reformed Baptist Network

Founders-Friendly Churches -- these churches may be in various stages of reformation; pastors subscribe to a historical Calvinistic Baptist confession

Primitive Baptist Churches-these churches teach the doctrines of grace, but are hyper-Calvinistic

9-Marks Churches -- these churches agree with the mission of 9Marks Ministries (gospel-centered reformation of local churches) 

Acts 29 Network Churches -- these churches hold to the doctrines of grace and emphasize church planting; methodology may not be traditional Reformed Baptist

Sovereign Grace Ministries Churches -- these churches are Reformed, Baptistic, and continuationist 

PCA Churches -- consider visiting a conservative Presbyterian church if no Reformed or reforming Baptist church can be found

Local Church Finder--Sermon Audio

Covenant Baptist Church -- If you are near or in New Berlin, WI., then consider visiting our church


Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada