
Reformed on the Web


Reformed Theology

This definition or explanation of Reformed Theology is my own:

Reformed Theology- is that branch of theology that developed out of the Protestant Reformation through men such as: William Farel, John Knox, Huldrych Zwingli, and more particularly John Calvin. Matter of fact, Reformed Theology is so closely associated with John Calvin that it has been nicknamed 'Calvinism.' Martin Luther, in his protest against the Roman Catholic Church, reformed certain areas of theology, but still clung to the Roman Catholic traditions in other areas. However, unlike Luther, Calvin sought to Reform all areas of theology, bringing all of theology back to a Biblical foundation. However, this is not say that Calvin rejected creeds of the early church. Calvin recognized that the church had already settled certain points of theology; points which can be found in the Nicene Creed and the Council of Chalcedon. But in the end, what concerned Calvin when developing his theology was not what church traditions declared or pronounced upon the masses, but what concerned him the most is what saith the Lord. Therefore, Reformed Theology is God-centered, Christ-centered, and is founded upon the five solas listed at the top of this page in the banner.

This definition comes from Theopedia:

Reformed theology- is generally considered synonymous with Calvinism and most often, in the U.S. and the UK, is specifically associated with the theology of the historic church confessions such as the Westminster Confession of Faith or the Three Forms of Unity.

What does it mean to be Reformed?

A summary of Reformed theology, or what it means to be Reformed, may be seen in the following:

It means to affirm the great "Solas" of the Reformation. (See the Five Solas)

It means to affirm and promote a profoundly high view of the sovereignty of God.

It means to affirm the doctrines of grace. . . to see God as the author of salvation from beginning to end. (See Calvinism)

It means to be creedal. . . to affirm the great creeds of the historic, orthodox church. (See e.g. the Nicene Creed)

It means to be confessional. . . to affirm one or more of the great confessions of the historic orthodox church. (see e.g. the Westminster Confession)

It means to be covenantal. . . to affirm the great covenants of Scripture and see those covenants as the means by which God interacts with and accomplishes His purposes in His creation, with mankind. (see Covenant Theology)

It means to take seriously the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20. . . to affirm the primacy of mission and understand that mission.

It means to have a distinctly Christian worldview that permeates all of life.

There are many articles here that do not deal with Reformed Theology in particularly, but deal with the Protestant Reformation in general. Until I can find time to develop a page on the History of the Protestant Reformation, they will remain here. I already have a page that is labeled 'Gospel centered' and 'Tulip.' Some of these links would fall under those categories and could properly be placed on those pages. However, both of these subheadings: 'Gospel-centered' and 'Tulip' would fall under the umbrella or main heading known as Reformed Theology.

One final note: Many believe, in the making of the Protestant Reformation, that one view of covenant-theology emerged. However, this is not the case. There were several views concerning covenant-theology that developed out of the Reformation. Therefore, there are several links here that are associated with what is known as 1689 Federalism or Particular Baptist covenant theology. When I have the time, subheadings will be placed in this page and everything organized as it should be.

Articles on the History of the Protestant Reformation and Reformed Theology:

What Is Reformed Theology?

What Is Reformed Theology?

What is Reformed Theology? by R. C. Sproul

What is the Reformed Faith? by Michael Horton

The Distinctive Character of the Reformed Tradition by Thomas F. Torrance

Introduction to Reformed Systematic Theology by Roger Smalling

A Primer on Reformed Theology by James Means

What is Reformed? by Allan McQuarrie

What is Covenant Theology?

The Making of the Protestant Reformation

John Calvin's Geneva by W. J. Grier

A Short Life of John Calvin?

John Calvin—Erudite EduCator by James Edward McGoldrick

Did Calvin Believe in Freewill? A.N.S. Lane

John Calvin's Ideas by Paul Helm

Calvinism denies human free will and makes God responsible for evil: Objection answered by Matthew J. Slick

Calvin On Free Will

Contemporary Essays on Reformed Theology

Jesus Teaches that Regeneration Precedes Faith by John Hendryx

Evangelism and the Reformed Faith by Rev. David Engelsma

The Law and New Covenant Theology by Sam E. Waldron (Mp3)

Did the Early Church Teach ‘Faith Alone’?

The Regulative Principle of Worship by Terry L. Johnson

The Regulative Principle of Worship in American Presbyterianism by Frank J. Smith

The Regulative Principle of Worship by G. I. Williamson

The Regulative Principle by Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr.

Pleasing God in our Worship by Dr. Robert Godfrey

The Threefold Use of the Law by R.C. Sproul

The Threefold Division of the Law by Jonathan F. Bayes

Is the Reformation Over? from R.C. Sproul

Definite or Limited Atonement

Justification by Faith Alone by W. Gary Crampton, Th.D.

Justification by Faith Alone: The Perspectives of William Kiffen and John Owen by Shawn D. Wright

“Give Me Scotland, or I Die” by Burk Parsons

The Marks of the Church by W. Robert Godfrey

The Illusion of a Gentleman God by Robert Bernecker

Justification and Regeneration by Charles Leiter

Did Old Covenant Saints Have the Holy Spirit Pt 1 by Tom Nettles

Did Old Covenant Saints Have the Holy Spirit Pt 2 by Tom Nettles

“Problematic Texts” for Definite Atonement in the Pastoral and General Epistles by Thomas R. Schreiner 

Effectual Calling by William Macleod

The Five Points by Stephen Rees

Five Doctrines of Divine Grace by Stanford E. Murrell

Does the Bible Teach the Doctrine of Original Sin? by Sam Storms

Richard Barcellos’ Short Writings on Covenant Theology

Richard Barcellos’ Short Writings on the Law

Of What Use is the Law? Three purposes

"A Comparison of Systems" by A. A. Hodge (1823-1886)

The Moral Law A Rule of Obedience by Samuel Bolton

A Case For Sabbath Observance by Tom Hicks 

Answering Some Objections to Sabbath Observance by Tom Hicks 

Creation Ordinance by Jon English Lee

God’s Rest as Prescriptive by Jon English Lee

The Sabbath and the Decalogue in the OT by Jon English Lee

Jesus and the Sabbath by Jon English Lee

Paul and the Sabbath by Jon English Lee

Sabbath Typology and Eschatological Rest by Jon English Lee

Sabbath Rest, Human Embodiment, and 1 Cor. 15 by Jon English Lee

Sabbath Rest and Faith by Jon English Lee

The Difference Between the Two Covenants--John Owen* by Richard Barcellos

*John Owen ((This is a slightly revised version of Owen’s exposition taken from Nehemiah Coxe and John Owen, Covenant Theology from Adam to Christ (Palmdale, CA: RBAP, 2005) and is used with permission. The footnotes are the ones in the Coxe/Owen volume. Those bracketed with [ ] were provided by the editors of the Coxe/Owen volume.))

A Brief Overview of Seventeenth-Century Reformed Orthodox Federalism by Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.* (Chapter 1)

Faith Alone Is The Instrument Of Justification and Salvation

Justification by Faith Alone by Joel R. Beeke

Justification Salvation is by Grace Through Faith by J.I. Packer

The Way of Covenanting with God, and of obtaining Justification before Him by James Durham

The Nature of Christ’s Death – a Satisfaction by James Durham

There are only two Religions in the Whole World by John G. Reisinger

Justification and Sanctification How do they Differ? by J.C. Ryle

The Current Justification Controversy by O. Palmer Robertson

Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology by Sam Renihan and Micah Renihan

Free e-books on Reformed Theology

498 Years Ago Today: An Interview with Carl Trueman on Luther and His 95 Theses

Martin Luther Taught Limited Atonement

Old Paths by J. C. Ryle

Martin Luther on Freewill

Theses on Martin Luther Against the Self-Indulgences of the Modern Church article by Carl Trueman October 2012

Luther vs. Erasmus on Freewill:

The Manifesto of the Reformation-Luther vs. Erasmus on Freewill

Luther was the leading figure that God used in order to bring the light of the gospel back into the Church. Wherever the gospel is preached however, controversy will ensue. This was so true concerning what Luther had to deal with after he began to preach the gospel. Nevertheless, he stood his ground, even against such men as Erasmus.

Therefore if one would like a summary of the issues between Luther and Erasmus, one can download this short PDF that gives a brief description of Luther's interactions with Erasmus.

A Review of Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation by Fook Meng Cheah

Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation - Translated by E. Gordon Rupp

The Synod of Dort by W. Robert Godfrey

Grace Abounding by John Bunyan

Predestination of the Elect of God by Francis Turretin

The Object of Predestination by Francis Turretin

Reformation and Reformation Day by Hershel L. Harvell Jr.

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination by Loraine Boettner

Reformer of Basel The Life, Thought, and Influence of Johannes Oecolampadius by Diane Poythress

The Theology of Charles Finney: A System of Self-Reformation by Jay E. Smith

Charles G. Finneys Doctrine of Justification by David H. Linden

Al Martin- What Is a Biblical Christian?

Albert Mohler- The Pastor as Theologian

Refutation of New Perspectives on Paul:

Phil Johnson on N. T. Wright

A Defense of the Old Perspective on Paul What Did St. Paul Really Say? by Phil Johnson

An Overview and Critique of the New Perspective on Paul's Doctrine of Justification by Jeffrey Smith 

The New Perspective on Paul: Its Basic Tenets, History and Presuppositions by F David Farnell 

What are the Attractions of the New Perspective on Paul? by Dr J Ligon Duncan III

Jorge Ruiz- N.T. Wright Or the Recatholisation of Protestant Thought