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Welcome to 'Sola Gratia Library'

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Welcome to Sola Gratia Library. Sola gratia was one of the slogans or cries during the Reformation. The word 'alone' was basically the eye of the Reformation tornado that ripped through the Roman Catholic Church. Rome's system of justification consists of Christ's merit plus the merit of the one being justified. This word 'alone' came to signify what the Reformers believed concerning how someone is justified. Thus the five solas came out of the Reformation: sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, soli Christo, and soli Deo gloria; which in English is: scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, Christ alone, and to God alone be the glory.

Thus, this library is named 'Sola Gratia' because if it were not for God's amazing grace, then none of these men would have proclaimed the truths they did and wrote the material of which we now possess.

This library will contain the works of great Reformers and Puritans of days gone by. However, at the moment, I only have all of Arthur Pink's works completed, John Calvin's works completed, some Works of History, and a little of John Gill's. I also have some works by various authors listed here. The miscellaneous list will be files linked to this page, however, if you click Pink, Calvin, Works of History, or Gill, then you will go to another page. Eventually, every author who is able to fill a page, will have his own page.

Calvin, John- The Works Of John Calvin

Gill, John- The Works Of John Gill

Pink, Arthur- The Works Of Arthur W. Pink  Buy: The Arthur Pink Collection to help support this site

Spurgeon, Charles H.- The Works of Charles Spurgeon

Bunyan, John- The Works of John Bunyan  Buy: The John Bunyan Collection to help support this site

Works Of History


A. H. Strong- Sovereign Grace Defended

Andrew Fuller- God's Approbation of our Labours Necessary to the Hope of Success

Andrew Fuller- The Great Question Answered

Archibald Alexander- A Practical View of Regeneration

Asahel Nettleton- Sermons by Asahel Nettleton

Basil Manly- Notes of a Sermon by Basil Manly

Charles Hodge- Justification

Flavius Josephus- The Life and Works Of

Francis Turretin- Predestination of the Elect of God

Francis Turretin- The Object of Predestination

George Whitefield- 59 Sermons

John A. Broadus- The Duty of Baptists to Teach their Distinctive Views

John Bunyan- Grace Abounding

John Foxe- Foxe's Book of Martyrs

John Knox- What to do when there is no faithful Church in your area; formerly titled: A Letter of Wholesome Counsel addressed to his brethren in Scotland 1556

John Newton- The Doctrines of Election and Final Perseverance

John Q. Adams- Baptists, The Only Thorough Reformers

Loraine Boettner- The Atonement

Octavius Winslow- Divine Predestination

R. B. C Howell- Perseverance of the Saints

R.B.C. Howell- The Covenants

R.B.C Howell- The Evils Of Infant Baptism

Richard Fuller- Predestination

Robert Haldane- Romans

Sir Robert Anderson- The Coming Prince

Theologia Germanica by Anonymous

William Kiffin- A Sober Discourse Of Right To Church – Communion

Zacharias Ursinus- What is the Gospel?

The Works of Augustine

Volume 1 Confessions and Letters

Volume 2 City of God; Christian Doctrine

Volume 3 Trinity; Doctrinal & Moral Treatises

Volume 4 Anti-Manichaen & Anti-Donatists

Volume 5 Anti-Pelagian Writings

Volume 6 Sermon on Mount, Gospel Harmony & Homilies

Volume 7 Gospel & Epistles of John; Soliloques

Volume 8 Expositions on the Psalms

Miscellaneous Works of Augustin

A Treatise on Grace and Freewill

A Treatise on the Gift of Perseverance

A Treatise on the Predestination of the Saints


The Works of Jonathan Edwards

Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4, Vol 5, Vol 6

The Works of John Owen


Of Communion with God

The Doctrine of Justification by Faith

The Doctrine of the Trinity & the Person & Satisfaction of Christ

Introduction to the Worship of God

The Works of Theodore Beza (Miscellaneous)

A Briefe Declaration of the table of Predestination

Faith and Justification

Jesus Christ the Son of God

That which we call the word of God: Its Two Parts—The Law and the Gospel


The Works of Thomas Aquinas

Summa Theologica

Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3, Vol 4, Vol 5, Vol 6

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Visit my Reformation History Library