
Reformed on the Web

Works of History


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Allix, Peter – The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of the Piedmont and the Albigenses

Armitage, Thomas -- A History Of The Baptists (The American Baptists)

Arnaud, Henri – The Glorious Recovery by the Vaudois of their Valleys

Association Records of the Particular Baptists

Baptist Ministers in England about 1750 A.D.

Baptist Preaching in Early 18th Century England

Belyea, Gordon L. -- Particular Baptists Origins

Benedict, David – The History of the Baptists – Vol.1Vol.2

Bliss, S. – Sacred Chronology

Christian, John T. -- A History of the Baptists (Vol. 1)

Christian, John T. -- A History of the Baptists (Vol. 2)

D'Aubigne- The History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin

Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4

Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8

D’Aubigne, J. H. Merle-- History of the 16th Century Reformation

D’Aubigne, J. H. Merle--The Protector

Geddes – History of the Church of Ethiopia

Faber, George – The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses

Ford, S. H. Origin of the Baptists

Hagstotz, Gideon & Hilda – Heroes of the Reformation

Hefele, C.-- History of the Council of the Church


Heylyn, Peter – Ecclesia Restaurata – Vol. 1Vol. 2

History of the Scottish Nation

How did William Kiffin join the Baptists?

Ivimey, Joseph -- A History of the English Baptists

Jones, William – History of the Christian Church – Vol. 1Vol. 2

Knox, John – The Reformation in Scotland

M’Crie, Thomas – The Life of John KnoxThe Reformation in Spain

Miller, Andrew – Miller’s Church History

Perrin, Jean Paul – History of the Ancient Christians

Poggius The Papist – Hus the Heretic

Smiles, Samuel – Huguenots in England and Ireland

Strype, John – Annals of the Reformation


The Amalgamation of General and Particular Baptists in 1891

The Baptists and the Transformation of the Church 1780-1830

The Relation of Infants to Church, Baptism and Gospel in Seventeenth Century Baptist Theology

Thomson, John Henderson – Cloud of Witnesses

Vedder, Henry C. -- A Short History Of The Baptists

Was John Bunyan a Baptist?

Wilkinson, Benjamin George – Truth Triumphant

Wylie, J.A. – History of Protestantism – Vol. 1Vol. 2Vol. 3

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